Back in 2008, ArchDaily embarked on a challenging mission: to provide inspiration, knowledge, and tools to the architects tasked with designing cities. In an effort to further align our strategy with these challenges, we recently introduced monthly themes in order to dig deeper into topics we find relevant in today’s architectural discourse. From architects who don't design to reframing climate change as a global issue, we are celebrating our 11th birthday by asking 11 editors and curators to choose ArchDaily's most inspiring articles.
Alejandro Aravena Wins 2016 Pritzker Prize
David Basulto, Founder & CEO
It was very rewarding to interview my former studio professor, the one who had a deep impact on my formation as an architect and in our mission, as he received the Pritzker Prize. But besides my personal connection to it, it was an important moment to bring to discussion the role of the architect today, during a year that not only saw the recognition of his own professional trajectory, but also the work of many other architects who focused on the power of architecture to overcome social, political and economic challenges (including a very important Venice Architecture Biennale).
What It’s Like to be an Architect who Doesn’t Design Buildings
Fernanda Castro, Head of Content
Architects don't necessarily need to build in order to make changes in the world. We as architects, editors and curators are working every day on providing inspiration and tools for creating better cities in the world. This article represents a great part of ArchDaily's mission and spirit. This tells how we can all produce an impact as architects through building, writing, teaching, drawing or with other forms of communicating.
Architecture Doesn’t Need Rebuilding, It Needs More Thoughtful Critics
Katherine Allen, Editor ArchDaily
It’s perhaps self-aggrandizing to say that architecture would be made better with better critics. It might not even be true. But expanding the scope and participation of our critical outlook on architecture to give voices to all who engage with architecture - there’s endless opportunity to learn.
All too often, we resort instead to well-worn tropes to prove points that matter little and mean less. Architectural discourse doesn’t need to be a binary fight (traditional vs contemporary, organic vs. orthogonal) —it shouldn’t even be a fight at all. We are so often poor advocates for the joy and passion that makes architecture exciting. We can be better.
Reframing Climate Change as a Local Problem of Global Proportion: 4 Ways Architects can Deliver Change
Maria Erman, Managing Editor ArchDaily
With ArchDaily’s capability to spread information to millions of people, the least we can do is draw attention to the ways towards a better world. Climate change is a global issue — the kind that affects every one of us. An important thing to remember is that fighting such problems is what keeps our society humane and united, and architecture plays a large part in this battle. As a platform, our job is to let society know how it can contribute to the good.
The 10 Best Global* Architecture Projects of 2016 (*Asia, Africa and South America Not Excluded)
Diego Hernández, Creative Director
In the past 11 years of ArchDaily, we have published over 40,000 projects and proudly believe that part of the success of the site lies in the variety of designs and their origins. Democracy happens when an OMA project shares the same (online) space as a young architect in Thailand, allowing us to discover future talents in architecture and promote good design from a global perspective.
How to Make a Facade with Recycled Materials: 16 Notable Examples
María González, Projects Manager
With the aim of supporting architects in becoming active agents of sustainable design, this article provides ideas for reducing consumption, and innovative techniques to reuse certain materials that were believed to be obsolete.
How to Integrate the 12 Principles of Permaculture to Design a Truly Sustainable Project
José Tomás Franco, Materials Content Manager
Talking about permaculture is talking about the essentials. It’s simply a matter of putting common sense back into the center of the architectural design, to generate a truly efficient architecture focused on the well-being of its inhabitants. This article applies basic principles of permaculture to the design process, finding unexpected lessons that should never have been forgotten.
The Chemistry of Kahlo Blue
Danae Santibáñez, Community and Social Media Curator
ArchDaily is all about giving visibility to influential voices in contemporary architecture. It's time to embrace and get inspired by the work of female creatives that have been continuously overlooked through all architecture history.
The Trends that Will Influence Architecture in 2019
Fabián Dejtiar, Editor ArchDaily en Español
Today, more than ever, it is necessary to look toward the future to define our goals and approaches as architects—especially in pursuit of improving the quality of life for our cities and built spaces. In this article, we identify the different paths that we have in front of us.
The Characteristics of 12 Architectural Styles From Antiquity to the Present Day
Romullo Baratto, Editor ArchDaily Brazil
ArchDaily is worldly recognized as a huge source of knowledge and information, used both by architects and students, and articles like these are good opportunities to introduce topics of interest to the greater public. In this specific case, the article serves as a starting point for further exploration of twelve influential Western architectural styles —from antiquity to the late 20th century.
Turin's Castello di Rivoli Tells a Story of the Region's History through Its Architecture
Shuang Han, Editor ArchDaily China
When we have a deep understanding of the development of architecture, we have the information to comment on the quality of the architecture and to discover its deep meaning and aesthetics. At ArchDaily, we try to find the special features of each architecture and present the most inspiring designs to the global architects.